I came into their community blindfolded so I would not know how to get back. They must of had something to protect. Most likely their safety from the infection. I meet Fernando Oliveira, a doctor but it was not known why he was there. Was he there for his medical skills, or was he a prisoner? Anyways, he told me about his career of saving people's life. Little did he know, this was coming at a great cost. Fernando was a rich doctor who preformed organ transplants. He told me about how he received these organs, the black market. As far as he knew someone could have killed this person for a precious heart. All he cared about was the money. On one transplant, he got a extremely rare heart from China. What scared me was that he didn't test these organs to see if anything was wrong, this is what may have led to the problem. These organs from the black market came from China, where the intial breakout occured. After Fernando assited with the heart transplant, the patient came down with irregular symptoms. All symtoms of the infection. The infected man attacked one of the doctors and nurses and finally Fernando killed the man with a desert eagle. Intense story. This is when I learned of another way the infection could be transported, through transplants of the newly infected. Fernando seemed tramatized, maybe the reason why he ate the leafs? The more stories I hear, the more I learn how easily this infection could have been avoided. If only Fernando had checked the organs before he preformed all of his surgeries...
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